Your source for strategic planning guidance, tools and systems.
We can help. Turn to Forrest Consulting for strategic planning expertise. We help assure success in strategy development and execution by structuring and facilitating planning and implementation.
Your source for strategic decision making resources and counsel.
Make better strategic decisions. Use iDECIDE. Our evidence-based decision-making framework can help you recognize and overcome decision traps and gives you a best practice process and tools to make the big decisions better.
Assure better strategy outcomes. Our latest Strategic Leader Survey Report shows how leaders and organizations can improve decision-making practices for better results.
Learn from us. Through Forrest Training:
• We train Boards and teams to work together to attain strategic, actionable results.
• We train leaders to excel, to make better decisions and to be excellent strategists.
• We train aspiring facilitators to produce great group outcomes.
Plan smart. Execute well.