Our research shows that bad decisions are a fundamental reason that leaders and organizations plan and execute poorly and don't get the results they want.
Decision making is a complex and often unacknowleged process shaped by mental flaws, biases, errors and fallacies.
Greater understanding of the psychological, perception, logic and social factors that shape decision making and conscious assessment of these factors in your decision making process will help assure that your big decision is the best possible.
Make big decisions better by:
Understanding the hundreds of biases, traps, fallacies and errors that conflict good decision making.
Employing a set of powerful decision tools to avoid, elimate or counter many biases, traps, fallacies and errors.
Using our iDECIDE decision making framework.
Learning how to use Bayesian analysis to pave the least risky path when choosing among options.
Testing your decision to see how it may need to be improved and to gain assurance that it is the best possible given the circumstances.
Taking steps to assure that you and the organization follow through and execute the decision to achieve the intended results.
Improving future decisions by treating strategic decision making as an organizational learning process.
Plan Smart. Execute well.